Local Deals on NextDoor

Are you looking to reach people who live near your business? Nextdoor Local Deals could be a good fit for you. We have found this advertising channel to be reasonably priced with significant reach. Let’s take a closer look.

If you aren’t familiar with Nextdoor, it is a neighborhood networking platform. Users create an account using their home address and are then placed into a neighborhood with other nearby residents. Users can make posts in their neighborhood and other neighbors can comment. It’s kind of like a community forum.

Businesses can create a profile on Nextdoor. Once the profile has been created, the business will have the ability to run a Local Deal. Local Deals are paid advertising. The business will input details about the Local Deal (offer, description, photo, duration, etc.) and choose how neighbors can redeem it (such as call and redeem in person). The business chooses a radius from their physical location that the Local Deal will be served to, and this determines the cost. Once the Local Deal is set up and paid for, it will start being shown to residents.

We manage Local Deals for businesses and from our experience they are affordable and an effective way to get in front of people who live near your business. This could be particularly useful for businesses that provide home services or home goods and local restaurants.

If you think this could be a good fit for your business, give it a try for a few months and see how it goes. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!